Thursday, September 29, 2011

This is my fight... I live and breath fighting to get mothers rights back!

I get asked often... why do you invest so much time in cases involving mothers fighting for custody or mothers who are in the midst of a child relocation case. My answer is simple-it's my fight and if it's my fight it's another mothers fight too. So many mothers out there have been beat down so badly and made to feel like incompetent mothers when in fact they are amazing mothers. We have a very broke system and I'm sure I could go into a history of how it got this way. One day I will.

I see a pattern after researching various cases and that's the mental card. Ever since we as a society have been diagosed for every sort of day to day mental feeling/state suddenly this is a free card for people to use against others. Suddenly because you are feeling blue and are taking Wellbutrin you are a terrible mental case. Have anxiety? Well that Zoloft may be the one thing to keep your kids from being with you. Yep I'm saying it to you poeple... the mental card. Every case, and I mean every case I research the ex or soon to be ex-husband accuses his wife/ex-wife of being mentally unstable. Really? Seriously this is where we are at in relationships.

So my question to you "husbands" is... why did you stick around if us mothers/wives were so "wacked out" of our minds?

Stupidity? Desperation? Tell me! No I think it's because it's the only card you have to play.

So sad...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Follow that court date... AZ Relocation Case - Judge John Hannah

If you are interested in following some child relocation cases I will try to find them and provide links for you to follow the case. I will do some update summaries as well periodically.

Adams vs Ewing

Click here for the minute entry

Feeling depressed...

It's awful to say it but I am feeling so down missing my kids. My fight is your fight. My wish is your wish.

Come join us at SMACARR and lets make a positive change in our system!